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Vancouver Dart Association

Official Rules
Updated: June, 2024




1.1 Registration of teams is open to all establishments located in Vancouver, Burnaby, West and North Vancouver, and Richmond. The number of teams playing out of each venue is also open according to demand for players and the availability of adequate playing facilities.


1.2 Each establishment must maintain minimum acceptable standards for playing, including heating, lighting, properly marked toe-lines and seating space. Please refer to Rule 2.5 for detailed dartboard setup specifications. The Executive may appoint an agent to inspect any venue, and failure to provide adequate playing conditions may result in dismissal of the venue from the Vancouver Dart Association. Any establishment hosting Vancouver Dart Association teams must have a minimum of two playable boards per team. Establishments are NOT required to provide free drink rounds, food, team shirts or dues; this is up to the individual establishments as to what they will provide for the team playing from their venue.


1.3 Teams may register a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 10 players. Teams must have a minimum of 2 women or 2 men registered. Teams wishing to add additional players above the maximum of 10 must show extenuating circumstances and have approval from the VDA Executive.


1.4 Membership fees of $50.00 per player are due no later than the end of October. FAILURE TO PAY FEES BY THIS DATE MAY RESULT IN THE FORFEITURE OF ALL MATCHES. It is the responsibility of each team and its players to ensure that the team fees are paid in full and on time.


1.5 During the regular season, a team may register any number of new players to bring their roster up to the maximum of 10 players. New players may participate in League play without prior notification to the League. They must thereafter, register immediately by remitting $50.00. Non-payment of these fees may result in the forfeiture of any matches the new team members play until payment is received.
Forfeiture of matches will be at the discretion of the VDA Executive.


1.5.1 The latest date for registration of new players is 4 weeks prior to the end of the season. New players must play a minimum of 2 matches before being eligible to play in the playoffs. New players may not be registered during playoffs 

1.5.2 In order to be eligible to play in League Tournaments, all players must have played at least one match prior to the tournament.

  • VDA Spare Pool Members are exempt from this requirement

  • Non – league women are allowed to play without having played prior matches, aiming to increase female participation in the league

1.5.3 If a player quits a team or is removed by the majority of the team during the season, they are no longer a member in good standing for that season and therefore are not eligible to join another team, play in any in-league tournaments or be eligible for any plaques and the end of the season.


1.6 VDA Spare Player Pool

  • Each team can use a substitute player three times from the VDA substitute pool to avoid forfeit.

  • The substitute cannot already be a member of any other team in the current season.

1.6.1 Joining the Spare Pool

• Players not on a VDA team can pay $15.00 to join the spare pool roster, allowing them to play as substitutes for any team needing a spare.

1.6.2 Frequency of Playing

  • A player can only substitute for the same team three times unless they officially join that team.

1.6.3 Becoming a Full Member

  • If a substitute plays a fourth time for a team without a full roster, an additional $35.00 fee is required ($50.00 total), making them a full VDA member.

  • Any Achievements (high scores, 180s, etc.) by the substitute are not recognized unless they become a full VDA member

1.6.4 Fees for Non-Playing Spare Pool Members

  • If a spare pool member does not play during the season, the $15.00 fee can be put towards the Annual Banquet. No refunds of fees will be made.

1.6.5 Spares During Playoffs

  • Spares cannot be brought in during playoff games.

1.6.6 Promoting Female Participation

  • Teams can have a woman play three times per regular season without paying the $15.00 fee, with these conditions:

    • The woman has not been part of any team currently or previously in the Vancouver Darts Association.


1.7 Players of every caliber are eligible and encouraged to play under the auspices of the V.D.A. However, any player wishing to change teams at any point during the regular season must have prior Executive approval.


1.8 To allocate teams to divisions, the league generally operates on a one up, one down format based on the previous season’s play. The V.D.A. Executive before the start of the season will decide upon the placement of teams in divisions based on number of team registrations.




2.1 Nightly play consists of a maximum 10 players on a team. All players’ names must be put on the board by 7:30 pm. All players whose name is on the board must be there by 8:00 pm. All 10 players are eligible to play during the nights matches. However, the minimum amount of players may consist of the following:

  • 2 women - 4 men

  • 3 women - 3 men

  • 4 women - 2 men

During team play, a team can be made up of 2 male + 1 female or 2 female + 1 male as long as the female players play 2 team games each.


2.2 A League match for will consist of 16 games to be played in the following order:

A League match for will consist of 16 games to be played in the following order:

  • 4 Team (3 players) games of 701 - at least 2 different women must play 2 games each

  • 6 Doubles matches of 601 (best of 3) – at least 2 different women must play 2 doubles matches each. If you have any player that has not played a doubles match by game 5 and you have no other available player, then game 6 is forfeit. No player can play two (2) games simultaneously. i.e. games 1/2, 3/4 & 5/6.

  • 6 Singles matches of 401 (best of 3) – at least 2 singles matches must be played by women unless a team only has 1 woman for that night. If this happens, then 1 singles match will be forfeit.


2.3 If a team is missing a player SEE RULE 2.10 the night’s match may be played with 1 woman, 4 men or 2 women, 3 men. SEE RULE 2.10.1 for matches played with 6 players versus 4 players. SEE RULE 2.10.2 for matches played with 5 players versus 4 players. AT NO TIME IS A TEAM ALLOWED TO PLAY WITH MORE THAN FOUR [4] MEN.


2.4 All singles, doubles and team games are to be played on two boards simultaneously. Singles and doubles games will be a best 2 of 3 games. This rule is in effect for all divisions.


2.4.1 DOUBLE ONE RULE FOR LOWEST DIVISION: This rule also applies when interdivisional games are scheduled for any given season. It applies for SINGLES GAMES ONLY and comes into effect after the second player has reached the double one. When both players have had a minimum of THREE turns each shooting the double one, then all subsequent darts count. 

2.4.2 If all teams are playing a round robin to determine Divisional play, the DOUBLE ONE RULE DOES NOT APPLY for any team until Divisions are assigned..


2.5 Dartboards shall be brightly illuminated to minimize shadows and be free of obvious defects such as bubbles and shall be hung such that the centre of the BULL measures 5’8” vertical distance from the floor. The throwing distance from the face of the dartboard to the oche (toe-line) shall be 2.37 meters or 7’9 ¼”. The diagonal should be 115 1/2” from the centre to the toe line. Should the front of the toe-line not be obvious, the home team captain shall inform the visiting team captain of the toe-line dimensions prior to the start of the match.


2.6 All games will commence by shooting for the ‘bull’. The home team captain will designate a home and visitor board for the duration of the evening. The home team will shoot first for the bull on the “Home Board” and the visiting team will shoot first for the bull on the designated “Visitor Board” during the evening play. If both players shoot an inner bull or an outer bull, there will be a re-shoot for the bull in reverse order. If the first player shoots an inner bull, the opposing player may request that the scorer remove the dart from the board to enable a clear and fair throw at the bull.


2.7 Points will be awarded as follows: ONE point awarded for each team game win. Best of 3 for doubles and singles set (point per game win - result will be 2-0 or 2-1)


2.8 Team captains shall designate competent and knowledgeable markers. While throwers are at the Oche, the marker must not speak, lean towards the board or turn around unless asked for a score. All darts should remain in the board until the player and scorekeeper have confirmed the score. A player may ask the amount scored with any number of darts and/or the score remaining. The scorer shall give no indication of the required double or any combination of scores required to finish. All requests to check the scores recorded and subtracted MUST BE MADE BEFORE THE PLAYERS OR THE TEAMS NEXT THROW. It is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PLAYER to ensure that the scores recorded and/or remaining are correct. The chalker during the singles and doubles games shall make clear indication of who has won a leg in a match.


2.9 Team captains may designate a coach for each game of the match from among the playing or nonplaying team members. If a player requires assistance before making a throw, he or she may consult with the coach (or partner[s] if in a doubles or team game) by stepping back from the oche. Other team members may NOT help a player at the oche by calling out the score[s] required to complete a throw.


2.10 All league matches will commence at 7:30 pm. If at least 5 members are available, then the match will commence. It is suggested that matches start by playing Doubles or Singles first, until the 6th member arrives, to give as much time as possible for the missing member to arrive. When the 6th member does arrive then the previous missed games are played to finish out the evening. The team
missing the player will finish out the evening with matches consisting of: Team games - 3 players against 2 with the missing person shooting 0. Double games - 2 players against 1 with the missing team member shooting 0 and the Singles game a forfeit. If any less than 5 team members show for any match, see Rule 2.10.1 and Rule 2.10.2.


2.10.1 All league matches will commence at 7:30 pm. If at least 4 members are available (must have at least one woman) then the match will commence. It is suggested that matches start by playing Doubles or Singles first, until the missing members  arrive, to give as much time as possible for the missing members to arrive. When the missing member(s) do arrive, then the previous missed games are played to finish out the evening. The team missing the players will finish out the matches consisting of: Team games – 2 team games of 3 players against. 3. The team with 4 players loses two games (2 points total). Doubles games – the team with 4 players loses two Doubles games (4 points total) and the woman players must play two Doubles matches. Singles games – the team with 4 players will lose two Singles matches (total of 4 points). If any less than 4 team members show for any match, the match will be forfeited. 




2.10.2 All league matches will commence at 7:30 pm. If one team has at least 4 members and the other team has 5 members, then the match will commence. It is suggested that matches start by playing Doubles or Singles first, until the missing members arrive, to give as much time as possible for the missing members to arrive. If the missing members do arrive, then the previous missed games are played to finish out the evening. The team missing 2 players will finish out the evening with matches consisting of: Team games – 2 team games 3 players against 3. The team with 4 players loses two team games (2 points) and the team with 5 players loses one game (1 point total). Double games – the team with 4 players loses two Doubles games (4 points total) and the team with 5 players loses one game (2 points total). The woman player(s) must play 2 Doubles matches. Single games – the team with 4 players loses two Singles matches (4 points total) and the team with 5 members loses one game (total of 2 points). If any less than 4 team members show for any match, the match will be forfeited.  




2.10.3 During singles matches, if a team is playing with a ghost, that ghost can only be assigned to the last singles match of a night.​


​PLEASE NOTE: When a team has less than 6 players, their team may play with a ghost (0 points Division A/0 points Division B). The team playing with the ghost must still forfeit the missing players singles game.


2.11 The names of all players playing the evening’s match (at least one woman – see rule 2.10) WILL be posted on the chalkboard prior to 7:30pm. Team Captains are NOT ALLOWED to alter the playing roster after 7:30 pm. If a player who is registered does not arrive by 8:00 pm will then be removed from the roster and will not be allowed to play that night.


2.12 The format for putting up the line-up for each game is as follows: The visiting team will put the first two-team game line-ups on the board. The home team will match and then put up their line-up for the 3rd and 4th team games and the visiting team will match. After team games are completed as per the divisions’ formats, the visiting team will then put up the 1st doubles match. The home team will match and put up the 2nd doubles match and so on through the remainder of the evening. Once a name has been assigned to play a match, name cannot be changed unless marked in error and agreed upon by both captains. 


It is expected that the Team Captain’s use due diligence in putting up players for games in a timely manner.  

For all DIVISIONS: no longer than 2 minutes after the end of the previous match. Their opponents have 2 minutes to respond to the line-up for each game. Once a player’s name has been put on the board, that player has a MAXIMUM of two minutes in which to step to the line. Players taking longer than two minutes to come to the toe line shall forfeit their first throw. If a player is still not at the toe line within two additional minutes they forfeit the leg of the match. A five-minute delay in a player showing to the toe line results in a loss of the three legs (games). It is the responsibility of the Captain that players are aware of and promote good sportsmanship and fair play ensuring the evening runs smoothly and efficiently.


2.13 If only six players are expected for the evening’s match then all six players shall complete the match, otherwise the match may be forfeited. If, however, a personal emergency arises during the match and one player on a team cannot complete the match, the play shall continue as follows: loss of the singles games[s], Doubles games played two throws to one; Team games played three throws to two. All wins, high scores, high finishes and 180’s scored by both teams during the entire match shall be recorded.


2.13.1 In the case of a medical emergency requiring doctor’s care, where one or more players must leave the venue, the remaining games will be postponed and played at a later date. The games already played will stand along with all 180’s, high scores and high finishes. The match must be completed before the end of league play. Any games not completed will stand as a “0” score for each team.


2.14 Every attempt shall be made by the TEAM CAPTAINS to resolve any disputes that arise on the night of play. (i.e.: Before the match commences or during the playing of the match). If the dispute cannot be satisfactorily resolved on that night, the DIVISIONAL DIRECTOR is to be consulted; if the Divisional Director is not available, the team captains may consult with any member of the  Executive.


PLEASE NOTE: Good Sportsmanship is the essence of our league.


2.15 A match may be postponed and rescheduled. If a team wishes to postpone a League match, a minimum of 48 hours notice must be given to the opposing team captain. The captains should reschedule the match so that the game is played on or before the next scheduled Tournament Night, or a mutually acceptable date approved by the League Executive. If 48 hours notice cannot be given, either the DIVISIONAL DIRECTORS OR LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR must authorize postponements. If a match must be  postponed and rescheduled, all effort must be made to arrive at a mutually acceptable date. The Executive wants teams to play and not forfeit matches if it is at all avoidable.


NOTE:  This rule does not apply if matches cannot be played due to extreme weather conditions. The Executive will notify Captain’s in the event of extreme or unforeseen circumstances such as weather/fanatical terrorist activities.


2.16 In the event that a team folds at anytime through the regular playing season, the games that have been played against that team will stand as played including all high scores, high finishes and 180’s. Teams will receive a forfeit score of 18 to -6. The folding team may at any time during the regular season contact the executive to resume playing. It will then be up to the captain of the team that has folded to contact the captain of the team they wish to play by giving no less than 48 hours notice.


2.17 Each player per team can play no more than 2 team games, 2 doubles and 1 single per match (night).




3.1 Score sheets are provided to all Team Captains. Each week it is the responsibility of the Both Captains to provide the score sheet for the evening’s play. BOTH Captains are required to sign evening’s score sheet. The sheets for the weeks of play preceding each VDA Shoot must be turned into the Executive on or before THAT DATE for inclusion in the final standings, by mailing weekly, or in batches or delivery to the VDA Tournaments


3.1.1 Standings and statistics will be the result of the information provided via telephone or email to the Divisional Director BY BOTH CAPTAINS EACH WEEK. Results will be audited against the score sheets and in the case of a discrepancy the score sheets shall always prevail. If a team does not contact their Division Rep or the Webmaster by 9 PM the Saturday after the match, then that team will lose 5 points.

3.1.2 Each captain must fill and submit their own teams score sheet (not a copy of their Opponents sheets). Failure to do so will result in a 5 point deduction.


3.2 When a team has a substitute player, the Captain must report the new player’s name on the score sheet. The Captain must also identify if this is a first time substitute or someone who should now be added to the teams registration. The Captain should also forward the appropriate funds (Substitution/Balance of funds for full registration) to the either their Director or the VDA Treasurer.
Please refer to the Eligibility Rule 1.6.




4.1 In the event of teams being tied for position at the end of the regular season, the following tie breaking rules will be followed to determine the final team standings. Team positions are determined by total games won, not by the match wins. For example, Team A and B both have 174 wins. Team A won 9 matches (evenings), while Team B won 11 matches. This is considered at TIE as both teams won the same amount of games.


4.1.1 Tie-Break Rule: Position is determined by a count back of head to head matches between the teams involved in the tie. In the event teams are still tied after the count-back, a play-off match (or matches, depending on the number of teams involved) can be played at a neutral location prior to the start of the playoffs. The tie breaking match(es) follows the playoff format. If
a tie-breaker venue and date cannot be agreed upon between the teams, a coin toss will determine the final positions. The Divisional Director will perform the coin toss.




5.1  During any V.D.A. League Tournament Events except Winter Tournament (formally the Turkey Shoot), all high scores, high finishes and 180’s count toward tournament trophies to be awarded by Division on the night of the event. Please make sure that these scores are recorded by Division on the Round Robin Sheets during the league tournament.


5.2 For Singles Tournament play: A player may request to play in a higher division. The final decision for this will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director.




6.1 The playoffs will be played at the end of the regular season. Teams that qualify for the playoffs will be based on the number of teams per division and may change from year to year. All games are to be played at the home of the team with the higher standing at the end of regular season play. Highest ranked teams play lowest ranked teams within each division through each round of the playoffs based on the results of the seasons play. Playoff matches are scheduled at the end of the regular season and are communicated to each team captain by the Divisional Directors.




6.2 The first team to get 9 points wins the match. The format will be:

  • 1 point for each team win.

  • 1 point for each doubles match (best 2 out of 3)

  • 1 point for each singles match (best 2 out of 3)


6.2.1  If the night ends in a tie, a best 2 of 3 match of “601” doubles will be played consisting of 6 players (two (2) of which must be a female player) who have played that night to be divided into doubles teams and each double team will play only ONE game each of the best 2 of 3 match. The winner of 2 legs will win the match and the night.


6.2.2 High scores, high finishes and 180’s do not count towards trophies during the playoffs.


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